Marvel Legends & other figures.

I buy alot so I'll post the coolest things.

Today I bought this :

I thought this was cool as near me there is hardly any venom or even symboite stuff
He came today!!!!!

now try telling me this is not cute and cool.

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Those Marvel Figurines I've been waiting for over a year to get here have finally arrived. I've got Spider-Man and Wolverine. They're really cool. The books are worthless but the models are pretty, apart from a few painting errors.

Oh and sjmole, the latest special in the UK they're doing is a Black Suit Spider-Man. I thought you might want to get that one.

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Those Marvel Figurines I've been waiting for over a year to get here have finally arrived. I've got Spider-Man and Wolverine. They're really cool. The books are worthless but the models are pretty, apart from a few painting errors.

Oh and sjmole, the latest special in the UK they're doing is a Black Suit Spider-Man. I thought you might want to get that one.


Thanks dude.

I stopped buying them a while back BUT planned to get more of ebay and I will get that black costumed figure.

Also cool that you got them. You got the collectors spidey on the ledge?
No, I'm debating on whether or not to subscribe. How does that work with the specials? If you subscribe do you get them automatically and they charge your card? If you don't subscribe, can you still get them in a shop?
No, I'm debating on whether or not to subscribe. How does that work with the specials? If you subscribe do you get them automatically and they charge your card? If you don't subscribe, can you still get them in a shop?

I think you need to subscribe to get them or order them from online.

Yes they send special the second it's out e.g Hulk. Then charge you that amount. Worth it.
I keep seeing those Super-Hero Squad figures and I'm soooo tempted to buy a set. I think it's only a matter of time now.

I was really hoping to hold out for Mini-Mates though at the cons.
I keep seeing those Super-Hero Squad figures and I'm soooo tempted to buy a set. I think it's only a matter of time now.

I was really hoping to hold out for Mini-Mates though at the cons.

I love those. Like the Star wars Galactic Heroes. I have all the spider-man ones and just saw something today that I have to buy with these

here they are with box removed for better picture

OMG u were? LOL! I thawt u were serious and was like dude wtf racism sux!

:lol: I added that though just case someone didn't know I was joking and It ended up offending someone. You know how sensitive some people can be.
This is a custom figure I found on a site. I wish they sold this :lol:

Hell yes. They seem to get smaller every year.

I remember a show where kids would get a certain amount of time to run through toy aisles with a cart and grab as much as they could. Then then got to keep what they grabbed in the alloted time.

I always wanted to be on that show. I would have gone straight for the Transformers/Lego.
Yeah, and that's juts a department store aisle. I grew up less than ten minutes from a Toy R Us, and I still live right by it, and it was even more amazing than anything any kid growing up these days could imagine.