Hitch finishes Ultimates 2 #13 (No really!)

Words from the man himself:

Bryan Hitch said:
I appreciate the gestures chaps, really I do but The Ultimates was horribly late and in many cases it was down to me or circumstances I found myself in causing problems. Not ALWAYS me but mostly me.

Of course you guys end up with late comics and that's unfortunate; I end up with late mortgages and so on, which is horrible. One of the reasons I'll be glad to try newer projects is the feeling that nothing could take as long as the ultimates did. I AM proud of it and more pleased than you can imagine that it struck so strong a chord with the readers but I've never felt more ready for new challenges. My bank manager will certainly thank me. When I get some distance I'm sure I'll be able to discover quite why I had such problems on this one but it's probably best to move forward not look back. Bigger and better, stronger and faster next time!

So the new year has a new book, some movie stuff, some TV stuff, a new baby coming and the same old writer.

can't bloody wait.

For those who guessed it....

Bryan Hitch said:
There are still backgrounds to tweak and stuff to check as it comes in from inking and colouring, so I won't feel truly free until it's off to press but it feels great and I feel more positive than I have in years.

Somebody on Newsarama thinks I don't but as much effort into my drawing these days. The irony.

Look what I found:

Leeds is lovely. And the idiot can't get lost as it's on the mainline from Glasgow

And finally:

Bryan Hitch said:
You know, the apparant rage issues on Newsarama aside I think I'd like to clarify a small point. Ultimates HAS been a pleasure on many levels and I am immensely proud of it and the work we've all done on he book.

I'm not precious, I don't think it's a work of art, a creation of genius or a bench mark in publishing; it's just a story I tried to tell as well as I could. I couldn't give a single definitive answer why it took so long but the point that needs clarifying is that when I described it as "the bane of my life" I meant the struggle with the pace at whihc I found myself working, not the book itself.

Authority, which at the time I did it was the pinacle of my abilities, took three weeks an issue and I fully expected the same of Ultimates. Didn't happen. With a slower pace and a massive fall in the dollar I wasn't earning what I could have been but I wanted the book to be the way I saw it being rather than too compromised an attempt. The bane and struggle was always with trying to balance working quicker and earning a living and all too often failing and wishing I had never started it.

Now, I'm glad I saw it through and glad I limped to the end. Not the proudest moment if all I considered was how quickly I drew it but it's certainly the proudest I've ever been of any project I've done in what I learned and what I achieved. I can't thank Marvel enough for their encouragement and support.

I posted here originally to let the loyalest of the books followers know we'd got there, I hadn't even considered it to be a "News" item. Lesson learned. Thanks though for all the support over too long a time. I really hope you like the way we finished and can't wait for all of you to see the new stuff.


Posting this what a member posted for Hitch cuz it looks really damn cool:

I'm confused by that Bendis thing.
I just wonder which will actually hit the comic shop shelves first; Ultimates 2 #13, or Ultimate Hulk vs. Wolverine #3…?!?
I don't think we'll be seeing Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk 3 anytime soon.

The real question is, what will we see first, Ultimate Iron Man 2 or Bryan Singer Presents Ultimate X-Men?

As for Ultimates 2, 13 issues in 25 months, that's not so bad. The problem is it came out monthly for the first, what, six issues? All the delays were backloaded so we started getting huge gaps, when the thing should have been bi-monthly to begin with, as they could obviously meet that schedule.
I don't think we'll be seeing Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk 3 anytime soon.

The real question is, what will we see first, Ultimate Iron Man 2 or Bryan Singer Presents Ultimate X-Men?

As for Ultimates 2, 13 issues in 25 months, that's not so bad. The problem is it came out monthly for the first, what, six issues? All the delays were backloaded so we started getting huge gaps, when the thing should have been bi-monthly to begin with, as they could obviously meet that schedule.
Actually, it was coming out monthly for 7 issues. #7 was all set to ship in June of 2005, but Marvel wanted all titles to start a new arc in July for "Ultimate Starts Month". So that was pushed until then even though it was completely finished and printed.

And we'll see UI2 first. That Marvel's just waiting for the last few scripts. Singer on UXM don't even have scripts anymore.
Really looking forward to this and I'm so used to the delays by now I actually think they don't bother me !!

And I've got to say to Millar and Hitch, thank you for such an awesome piece of work, Hitch has every right to be damn proud of what he's done !!

Loved every minute of their run !! Heres hoping the next 5 years are anywhere near as good !!
I just wonder which will actually hit the comic shop shelves first; Ultimates 2 #13, or Ultimate Hulk vs. Wolverine #3…?!?

Definitly Ultimates 2 #13. I expect the earliest we'll see Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #3 is probably summer, 2007...

Actually, it was coming out monthly for 7 issues. #7 was all set to ship in June of 2005, but Marvel wanted all titles to start a new arc in July for "Ultimate Starts Month". So that was pushed until then even though it was completely finished and printed.

And we'll see UI2 first. That Marvel's just waiting for the last few scripts. Singer on UXM don't even have scripts anymore.

I can't believe people are still thinking the Singer thing will happen. I know its said he'll eventually get around to doing it, but I can't help but feel he's full of **** and it really will never happen. Its been talked about for years now, if something was going to come of it then it probably would have already happened.
Definitly Ultimates 2 #13. I expect the earliest we'll see Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #3 is probably summer, 2007...

I can't believe people are still thinking the Singer thing will happen. I know its said he'll eventually get around to doing it, but I can't help but feel he's full of **** and it really will never happen. Its been talked about for years now, if something was going to come of it then it probably would have already happened.
Bryan Singer is trying to beat Kevin Smith for Most Tardy Comics Work By A Hollywood Director. :twisted:
I can't believe people are still thinking the Singer thing will happen. I know its said he'll eventually get around to doing it, but I can't help but feel he's full of **** and it really will never happen. Its been talked about for years now, if something was going to come of it then it probably would have already happened.
It will be 2 years in January when he was supposed to come on.
Bryan Singer is trying to beat Kevin Smith for Most Tardy Comics Work By A Hollywood Director. :twisted:

He's probably just about there, then. What was Smith's record...two, three years for the last issue of that Black Cat/Spidey mini...? At least Singer hasn't started a title and then let it sit that long, though...still, the rumor-mongering around it is beyond old.
He's probably just about there, then. What was Smith's record...two, three years for the last issue of that Black Cat/Spidey mini...?
If I'm not mistaken, Smith is STILL continuing to set a record. Daredevil: The Target # 2 still isn't out, and I haven't heard any reports of it being cancelled.
If Hitch IS finished, why is this listed as mid-March at marvel.com?

If Hitch IS finished, why is this listed as mid-March at marvel.com?


That's what we've been saying. He's not finished. He and Millar still have another go-over like they always do, plus it still has to be inked, colored, and printed.

Honestly I'd be shocked if it came out in March.
You know whats awesome (and surprisingly rare)?

When monthly comicbooks actually come out on a monthly basis.
That's what we've been saying. He's not finished. He and Millar still have another go-over like they always do, plus it still has to be inked, colored, and printed.

Honestly I'd be shocked if it came out in March.

No, it had been sent out for color, which meant they were finished with art (Millar still tweaks dialog, but the pages are done). The ONLY way this March date could be right is if something has to be re-drawn. Maybe it conflicted with Ultimates V3? Who knows.
No, it had been sent out for color, which meant they were finished with art (Millar still tweaks dialog, but the pages are done). The ONLY way this March date could be right is if something has to be re-drawn. Maybe it conflicted with Ultimates V3? Who knows.

My mistake - thanks for clarifying.

I thought I had read somewhere that Hitch had, in the past, tweaked art after Millar tweaked dialogue.
My mistake - thanks for clarifying.

I thought I had read somewhere that Hitch had, in the past, tweaked art after Millar tweaked dialogue.
I feel sad when people forget what I post....

From the 2nd page:
Bryan Hitch said:
There are still backgrounds to tweak and stuff to check as it comes in from inking and colouring, so I won't feel truly free until it's off to press but it feels great and I feel more positive than I have in years.

Somebody on Newsarama thinks I don't but as much effort into my drawing these days. The irony.