Too many Marvel films?

This thread is to discuss whether or not there are too many Marvel films, or if Marvel are making too many films.

If you want to make a thread arguing over which movies are better, who makes better movies, then make one. Don't start arguing in here.

I think there's enough DC vs. Marvel threads if you dug them up.

All righty then, my simple answer is:

No. Marvel isn't making too many films. They just need to be smarter about what they're putting out instead of just catering to the fanboys and ignorant fans.
No. Marvel isn't making too many films. They just need to be smarter about what they're putting out instead of just catering to the fanboys and ignorant fans.

i agree with you there though marvel has been hit & miss with there movies so far

but alot of the movies that they have coming up sound really good, the best sounding actually being magneto from what ive heard the story is about him being a jewish mutant growing up in nazi germany and the struggles he had to live with, i don't know if the manage it well enough it could be incredibly good, but if they screw it up it could be viewed as offensive or something

but wolverine is going to suck i have no interest whatsoever in this they covered everything that they need to cover with wolverine in X-men 2 and they should have left it at that but they dredged it up again in TLS
I think they definitely are making too many films. While some are great (Spider-Man, Punisher, X2), some are decent (DD, X1 and 3, FF, Blade) and some are outright terrible (Hulk, Elektra). . .it really gets to a point where its too many. I mean, what do they have in production now? We have Iron Man, Avengers, Captain America, Nick Fury, Namor (WTF?!), Ghost Rider, Wolverine, Magento, etc. . .its getting rather ridiculous.
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I think Marvel's on the right track with their current Avengers plan. If they can keep these forthcoming films into continuity, I'd be a happy Marvel/Film fan.

The Avengers is one film that I think should be done. Its a big property for Marvel, but all of these spin-off films and B and C-list characters getting movies? Waste of time and effort.
The Avengers is one film that I think should be done. Its a big property for Marvel, but all of these spin-off films and B and C-list characters getting movies? Waste of time and effort.

I agree. B/C-List characters are better off serving as supporting characters to the core titles. Namor should be in a Fantastic Four Sequel, not in his own film.
Namor should be in a Fantastic Four Sequel, not in his own film.

I will never understand why they didn't do that. Ever. He should have been the second villain, with Silver Surfer and Galactus being third and then the film franchise ends.
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I don't really understand this love affair with trilogies everyone has now. Why does a series need to end? Maybe it can only support thre movies and they never make a fourth, but I don't get why it has be to automatically be capped off at three.

But I really don't seee how Marvel has too many movies coming out. As long they're not all the same, they try different genres it should be okay. You get Ninja movie Elektra, horror Blade and Ghost Rider, super-hero Spider-Man, action movie Punisher, I think they have a good mix.

Also, I know they're not the best, but I think the direct to video DVDs offer a nice little package and would make for a cool continuing franchise. Particularly if those all remain in continuity. I wouldn't mind a couple new Ultimate Avengers DVDs a year. They kind of give me the feel of 80's cartoons (in the best way possible) that I really miss.

And with hellboy and Conan also going that route, it seems like the way to go.
I wouldn't mind a couple new Ultimate Avengers DVDs a year.

I would. I minded the first one, refused to bother with the second.

I agree that all the no-name heroes (Elektra etc) getting films is a stupid idea, and just floods the superhero film genre with crap. But there is one B-lister that no casual cinema goer would recognise who NEEDS his own film and its Deadpool...
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I don't see how it hurts to have "too many" Marvel movies. Especially with the B-list or mostly unkown characters. Just because a character is little-known doesn't mean you can't get a good movie out of it. It's all about quality control.

And it certainly isn't a bad thing that these minor characters are getting films. It can help in the long run to build up the profiles of these characters and try to get more superstars.

Blade was nobody, NOBODY, before his movie, now he has a full trilogy and a TV show (now he just needs a good comic) and there's no way this is a bad thing for Marvel.
Oh, don't get me wrong, there are a LOT of relatively unknown heroes who could easily carry a film (Deadpool being the top of the list there) but seriously a lot of the C/D list characters just couldn't carry a film and normally, their own comic book..that is WHY they are the unknown heroes.
I don't think it's necessarily the character's fault they didn't immediately succeed though. Maybe they just need the right poeple working on them and positive word of mouth and they can become the next big thing.

Anyway, I can't imagine how it would hurt to try.
Does anyone here think that Marvel is running the superhero film genre into the ground?

No. In fact, I think it's about time Marvel made superhero movies at this level. They (Marvel that is) didn't really have a genre worth speaking of until X-men and then Spider-man came out. Personally I just think some of you guys are far too critical of the movies and the companies in general.
I have to agree with MWF and Lynx that some characters are better off as supporters than having there own movies. Namor doesn't seem like one that would be a big hit. Characters that aren't really popular (i.e. Elektra) aren't going to do much on their lonesome, especially when you have a horrible story on top of that.
It's not that there are too's just that, like other posters have stated, they are pushing too many unknowns into the spotlight for their films rather than what the real fans are clamoring for.

I mean seriously---Ghost Rider over Capt America? Elektra over a Nick Fury/S.H.I.E.L.D? Ant-Man instead of Thor? And ****ing Deathlok over anybody else? I mean WTF? Seriously.

And if you're gonna push lesser known characters---make them recognizable characters with a good story. Dr.Strange is the perfect choice of a lesser known/underultilized character with a great story to be told on the big screen (especially with the recent popularness of magic based films like Harry Potter/LotR/Eragon).

Marvel should really focus on quality....not quanity.
It's not that there are too's just that, like other posters have stated, they are pushing too many unknowns into the spotlight for their films rather than what the real fans are clamoring for.

I mean seriously---Ghost Rider over Capt America? Elektra over a Nick Fury/S.H.I.E.L.D? Ant-Man instead of Thor? And ****ing Deathlok over anybody else? I mean WTF? Seriously.

And if you're gonna push lesser known characters---make them recognizable characters with a good story. Dr.Strange is the perfect choice of a lesser known/underultilized character with a great story to be told on the big screen (especially with the recent popularness of magic based films like Harry Potter/LotR/Eragon).
Marvel should really focus on quality....not quanity.
See, I think Ghost Rider is a good character to have it's own film. He's not a supporting character like Namor that shouldn't really have his own film.
See, I think Ghost Rider is a good character to have it's own film. He's not a supporting character like Namor that shouldn't really have his own film.

Not saying that Ghost Rider doesn't deserve his own film---saw the new trailer and I admit that I am hyped for it.

But I'm saying that there are so many other characters that Marvel could be doing before these secondary characters.

Namor doesn't deserve his own film---but with the right story and actor---it could be a good low level Marvel project. I mean look at HBO's "Entourage". Tell me with just that little clip of Chase running to the end of the pier and diving off towards the tidal wave, that it didn't look cool? I would pay to see a Namor project. But I'd prefer to see someone "bigger" instead.

It'd be like Marvel opting for Moon Knight film over Iron Man.
Not saying that Ghost Rider doesn't deserve his own film---saw the new trailer and I admit that I am hyped for it.

But I'm saying that there are so many other characters that Marvel could be doing before these secondary characters.

Namor doesn't deserve his own film---but with the right story and actor---it could be a good low level Marvel project. I mean look at HBO's "Entourage". Tell me with just that little clip of Chase running to the end of the pier and diving off towards the tidal wave, that it didn't look cool? I would pay to see a Namor project. But I'd prefer to see someone "bigger" instead.

It'd be like Marvel opting for Moon Knight film over Iron Man.
I see what you're saying. I agree.
I see what you're saying. I agree.

I think the other problem is that Marvel is going for whatever directors they can grab. And what's sad is that these directors have no passion for the material (example---Ratner).

That's what hurts the films. You don't need to be an expert....just passionate. When the director doesn't have a passion for the project---it suffers. Because then you don't have that connection like you do in the comics. A director reads that Elektra is a sexy ninja.....and that's the route he takes. He doesn't bother with the internal struggle she goes thru between what she wants and what she feels she must do. Blah blah blah.......

I read an article from the F4 director saying that he grew up reading the book and since there was so much history with the group that he wanted to follow the UFF storyline to introduce people to the characters and origins. Where was the UFF? Instead the fans get hype....not substance.

Quality....not quanity.