Ultimate Thunderbolts

The Overlord

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
How would you handle an Ultimate version of the Thunderbolts? Should they be villains pretending to be heroes, is that similar to the 616 Thunderbolts or should they be convicts recruited to help SHIELD, but is that too similar to DCU's Suicide Squad. Who should be on the Ultimate thunderbolts? Here is some of the characters I would put on

Shocker and Boomerang (both of these characters are merely jokes in USM and I see no reason why they shouldn't be given a step up. With some training they could be more than the pushovers they are now.)

Multiple Man (you need a mutant member and his racist attitude would create tension with the other members.)

That's all I think of existing Ultimate characters, but share some more 616 characters could be ultimized to for an Ultimate Thunderbolts team.
I'd have them as a group of crappy villains that SHIELD have picked up and put together in a crack team, and use them for missions too dangerous or controversial for the Ultimates to handle.

The team could include Multiple Man, Tinkerer, Bullseye, Shocker etc. Basically crappy Ultimate villains that have appeared once and could be made a hell of a lot creepier.
I'd have them as a group of crappy villains that SHIELD have picked up and put together in a crack team, and use them for missions too dangerous or controversial for the Ultimates to handle.

The team could include Multiple Man, Tinkerer, Bullseye, Shocker etc. Basically crappy Ultimate villains that have appeared once and could be made a hell of a lot creepier.

That's an interesting idea, the only problem with it is some people may say its rip off of DC's Suicide Squad:

I would rather have them as villains that has some sort of power and a military history of some sort (all different history, as in they didn't get their military skills in the same place) and after being grabbed by SHIELD they use them for the missions that have a very low expected survival rate. It would be good if they also had some sort of device on them that would explode if they failed or didn't finish the mission on time.
I would rather have them as villains that has some sort of power and a military history of some sort (all different history, as in they didn't get their military skills in the same place) and after being grabbed by SHIELD they use them for the missions that have a very low expected survival rate. It would be good if they also had some sort of device on them that would explode if they failed or didn't finish the mission on time.

Any villains you have in mind?
I'd go the Suicide Squad route as well. In the wake of Ultimates 2, America's going to be forced to seriously reflect on its current international policy. Fury ran Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver as a black ops team before he integrated them into the Ultimates. It wouldn't surprise me if he's already started putting together a replacement for that project, if it's not already in place. They aren't assigned to the jobs that are too dangerous for the Ultimates. They'd be assigned to the jobs that are considered too sticky politically.

Here's my lineup.

Black Widow
Multiple Man
Tinkerer (as their gadgets guy)

Mystique's locked in Magneto's cell in disguise, right? She could be an interesting addition, too.
Any villains you have in mind?
Not on top of my head, no.
But it would open a good opportunity to introduce some less known c-list villains from 616 that is expandable so you could have a rotating team roster (like Exiles kind of), but not focus that much on their powers but more on their fighting skills, make them low-levels mutant and such and forget about costumes. Sort of an even MORE adult Ultimates if you get my grip.
Hmmm, well some people have said the Ultimates is an authority rip off so I supposed I can live with the ultimate Thunderbolts being called a Suicide Squad rip off by some. Anyway as well using established characters we can also introduce new characters such as Ultimate Speed Demon. But they need a leader, someone under Fury to lead and control these dangerous individuals. I would suggest Ultimate Helmut Zemo.

Colonel (or Oberst in his native Germany) Helmut Zemo was head of Germany's secret anti terrorism unit for many years. In 1980s he helped the West German governemnt fight communist backed terrorist groups and in the 90s he fought Islamic terrorist groups on behalf of the new united German governemnt. His track record was amazing and soon he was named as one of the leading military personal in the field of anti terrorism in all the Western world. In 1999 he was let go of his position for being overzealous, which made him somewhat bitter towards the German government. However in recent times overzealosiness has become less of problem. General Nick Fury hires Colonel Zemo to head his black ops team the Thunderbolts.

Cap doesn't like or trust Zemo, Fury thinks Cap just can't let go of the past, but in his gut Cap doesn't like Zemo.
Ultimate Thunderbolts would be great, but there'd have to be a lot of changes form 616. First of all they should be government controlled. It may be a rip off of suicide squad, but it's the only real way to have a team of villains doing good in the ultimate universe. Second the program should be led by General Thunderbolt Ross. It's just too perfect a way for them to get thier name.

My cast would be:

-Pyro - He still hasn't been used. Maybe he was a member of the Brotherhood way back and he's been locked up ever since.
-Beetle - He's only appeared in the USM game so there's a lot to work with characterwise. Plus he's in the 616 group.
-Luke Cage - Hear me out on this one. We know Fury has a man watching the Defenders. What if Luke found a way to "illegally pimp his body" and was arrested for it. Great addition to the line-up and he's not a joke character anymore because maybe prison changes a man.
-Bullseye - Without an Ultimate Daredevil ongoing Bullseye is just too cool a character not to use somewhere.
-Mystique - Eventually they figure out she's not Mags and they decide to use her.
-Deadpool? - Even I question this, but if they could do a major revamp on him, he'd be a great addition.
Not on top of my head, no.
But it would open a good opportunity to introduce some less known c-list villains from 616 that is expandable so you could have a rotating team roster (like Exiles kind of), but not focus that much on their powers but more on their fighting skills, make them low-levels mutant and such and forget about costumes. Sort of an even MORE adult Ultimates if you get my grip.

I think your agruement would have more weight if you could come up with specific examples of characters that had in mind.

Besides I think long think fans would get kick out of previously used characters (like Shocker and Multiple Man) then having the whole team made of characters who have not appeared yet in the Ultimate Universe.
Changed my mind about the squad. Replace Bullseye with Black Widow. Just makes more sense and adds another girl to the team. And Deapool just doesn't work. So now I'd go with Pyro, Beetle, Mystique, Luke Cage, and Black Widow.
I had an idea for a Black ops shield squad before. It was going to be Ultimate X-Force (mocking the X-Men). The idea was sort of a squicide squad vibe with various captured villians, ex-weapon x, and some vollunteers on the squad. It had Forge planned as an ops/tech player who rarely went on missions, an Ultimized Cable as the field leader, and would have deffinatly included Electro, Luke Cage, and Sabertooth. Of course this idea was like 2 years ago, before BKVs X-men run finished and before the Ultiamte Defenders. It deffinatly would work out better as an Ultimate Thunderbolts
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I'd have Bullseye, Beetle, Tinkerer, Multiple Man and a female, but not Black Widow. It would be interesting if Hawkeye led this team, and they hunted down Liberator bases.

EDIT: Another question is who would have you write/draw this book? My choices would to have Ed Brubaker write it, with Alex Maleev on art.
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I'd have Bullseye, Beetle, Tinkerer, Multiple Man and a female, but not Black Widow. It would be interesting if Hawkeye led this team, and they hunted down Liberator bases.

EDIT: Another question is who would have you write/draw this book? My choices would to have Ed Brubaker write it, with Alex Maleev on art.
I just had an orgasm.
Changed my mind about the squad. Replace Bullseye with Black Widow. Just makes more sense and adds another girl to the team. And Deapool just doesn't work. So now I'd go with Pyro, Beetle, Mystique, Luke Cage, and Black Widow.

Why would Fury want Widow on this team, she back stabbed him before, why wouldn't she do so again. After the events in Vol 2. I think Fury would trust thugs and psychos over BW and want to see her rot in the deepest, darkest cell he had. As for Mystique, she seems like an ideological fanatic, she willing to go prison to help Mags escape, why would she start working for the government?
EDIT: Another question is who would have you write/draw this book? My choices would to have Ed Brubaker write it, with Alex Maleev on art.

I don't think I'd want that. I mean I love Maleev's art, and I love Brubakers writing, but I don't think they'd be a good fit here. I think this would need someone more over the top.
I'm thinking of mine as a dark creepy book. More MAX than Ultimate.
Why would Fury want Widow on this team, she back stabbed him before, why wouldn't she do so again. After the events in Vol 2. I think Fury would trust thugs and psychos over BW and want to see her rot in the deepest, darkest cell he had. As for Mystique, she seems like an ideological fanatic, she willing to go prison to help Mags escape, why would she start working for the government?
Bombs implanted in their spines or skulls, whichever. Instant forced loyalty. That's what I'd do anyway, but I'm evil.:twisted:
I'm thinking of mine as a dark creepy book. More MAX than Ultimate.

Coming Soon!

Shocker MAX!
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Why would Fury want Widow on this team, she back stabbed him before, why wouldn't she do so again. After the events in Vol 2. I think Fury would trust thugs and psychos over BW and want to see her rot in the deepest, darkest cell he had. As for Mystique, she seems like an ideological fanatic, she willing to go prison to help Mags escape, why would she start working for the government?

You couldn't have answered your question any more than you have already. He could use them as POW's of course. Pretty much have them do military work with collars and 24/7 watch as pay back for all the crap they've done. You know the way Fury is, he'll put a use to anything. Just like in Ultimates, what he said about Pietro and Wanda. They're not beyond making deals with terrorists, as long as the price is right. But the only price here is their lives, starring Ahnold.