MWoF vs. Mice

Who will win?

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#1 reason not to join UC
Nov 30, 2004
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
I'm starting a thread to record this little feud. I bought Poison today. Hopefully in days time they'll die. In the meantime I've been doing research and discovered two things...

1. They won't die. And it seems that there's no solution and I'm just gonna have to deal with them living with me.

2. The horrible smell is not coming from the neighbors outside. It's the male's urine. :x

What's unique about my situation is all the other Mousetales talk about spotting the mice in their kitchens or downstairs living rooms/basements. Yeah, well mine are in my bedroom. And ask Thee Great One I don't have a big room. Tonight I discovered two of them in my small closet. The one ran behind my bookshelf and the other just stayed in there.

I can't do anything about it. I'm gonna fall asleep and they're gonna be running around ****ting in my shoes and probably jumping on to the bed as I'm passed out.

I hate them.
Mice are the dandelions of the animal kingdom.
Traps and poisens are great and all, but the best way to kill a mouse is with a big stick. Or your foot. It's not pleasant, but when you see the little ****s you just take 'em out. That's assuming you've got the size and weight advantage of course.:wink:
MWOF, if you can pay for return shipping, I'll mail you my electronic mouse trap. Your story is just heart breaking.
Only ******* uses poison *hands MWoF a handgun and a Knife* Now one my signal, unleash Hell.
Let me see if the poison works first.

I just hope however I get rid of them that I take enough out before the second round of breeding occurs.
I knew I had taken out plenty when I started killing baby rats. Once I knew the parents and their off spring were dead, I figured it would be a while before we got more.

P.S. A poll would be hilarious. I for one think he'll go insane when the mice start waking him up as they run across his face in the middle of the night. This will cause him to buy the meanest mouse-killingest cat at the pound which will kill/destroy everything in the apartment, including the neighbor's terrier.
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Traps and poisens are great and all, but the best way to kill a mouse is with a big stick. Or your foot. It's not pleasant, but when you see the little ****s you just take 'em out. That's assuming you've got the size and weight advantage of course.:wink:

I dunno. The Manwithoutfear isn't The Manwhogetsthingsoffthetopshelf...

Get a cat. Or borrow one from a friend. It'll get em.
Mice are the dandelions of the animal kingdom.
Deep like the ocean.

One of my friends had a pet rat. I sent him a postcard from Indonesia, years ago. He showed it to the rat and it died.
Yeah, like muffins. My mom used to mix bron poison into flour mix like she was making a cake and then just make the mix hard (don't add liquids other than a little water) and then push it up against little corners on the floor or against the counters for roaches and mice to eat. They would eventually be dead and it lasts about 6 months.
Yeah, like muffins. My mom used to mix bron poison into flour mix like she was making a cake and then just make the mix hard (don't add liquids other than a little water) and then push it up against little corners on the floor or against the counters for roaches and mice to eat. They would eventually be dead and it lasts about 6 months.
Leaving poisoned muffins around a house full of children?

So when was your mom arrested?