Who Would You Like To See Ultimized??

Man-Wolf would be a little difficult considering John Jameson is supposed to be dead.

But then again "supposed" is definately the key word.
Ultxon said:
Man-Wolf would be a little difficult considering John Jameson is supposed to be dead.

But then again "supposed" is definately the key word.
Exactly. "Supposed" don't mean "100% certain" in his case, specially since we haven't seen the body, have we?
I would like to see either Punisher or Daredevil with at least good minis, just to establish there characters in the universe, they don't need ongoings just a good cornerstone of where their character comes from in this universe.

For the Punisher I would like to see a 6-issue mini, or maybe even a 12-issue maxi series titled appropriatly as "Ultimate Punisher: War Zone", written by Ed Brubaker, with art by Lenil Francis Yu, with a story encompassing Frank Castles war on New Yorks criminal underground involving famous marvel thugs like Jigsaw and Tombstone as villains, as well as showings Franks origins as a soldier, maybe even as an agent of SHIELD, which would be appropriatly be placed in there as flash-backs, and the series could end with a sweet cheesy line such as..." This is more than vengance, more than punishment, no this is WAR."

Daredevil wouldn't need more than villain revamps really, i would suggest Brubaker for this too, but he's got 616 DD all covered for now.
the_Iron_Knight said:
as well as showings Franks origins as a soldier, maybe even as an agent of SHIELD
He is actually only a cop but I do want a UDD ongoing series....

Ultimate Puma.....sounds incredibly cool.
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Night Thrasher minus the skateboard
Puma would be sick!
Maybe Nova?
Mysterio minus the fish bowl
DGspider-fan said:
Night Thrasher minus the skateboard
Puma would be sick!
Maybe Nova?
Mysterio minus the fish bowl

Ultimate Spider Woman. And a better Ultimization of Luke Cage.
Hibiki said:
Ultimate Spider Woman. And a better Ultimization of Luke Cage.

Wasn't it just "Power Man" that was in the Defenders? I don't think he was ever called Luke Cage.

There's still hope.
E said:
Wasn't it just "Power Man" that was in the Defenders? I don't think he was ever called Luke Cage.

There's still hope.

Well, yeah, that's what I mean. But I would like to see a better ultimization for him. Don't like the whole "doing it for the fame routine." The rest maybe, but I don't want to see a great 616 character get a subpar ultimization.
Hibiki said:
Well, yeah, that's what I mean. But I would like to see a better ultimization for him. Don't like the whole "doing it for the fame routine." The rest maybe, but I don't want to see a great 616 character get a subpar ultimization.
I see.....yes I always wondered why they did that to Luke Cage, but I never thought they were done with him because he didn't demonstrate any powers or fighting capabilities. I want to see Slingers and the New Warriors!
Thor said:
I see.....yes I always wondered why they did that to Luke Cage, but I never thought they were done with him because he didn't demonstrate any powers or fighting capabilities. I want to see Slingers and the New Warriors!

Screw New Warriors, but then again if ultimized correctly...but the mini was horrible. Barely even worth a skim through.
With the X-Men getting involved with the Shi'ar... I'd love to see the Shi'ar Imperial guard Ultimized... though i doubt they'd be aliens. It'd be cool to see Gladiator take on the team in future issues.

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